
ASAP supports multi-agency early warning initiatives and provides information to food security assessments, to the IPC (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification) and to Cadre Harmonisé, which are the main data source of the annual Global Report on Food Crises. It also directly feeds into the GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning.


- Monthly agricultural hotspots classification analysis and short regional and country overview by JRC experts (Home and Country assessment pages)
- Seasonal rainfall forecast and skills maps based on COPERNICUS C3S data (Seasonal Forecast)
- Ten-daily updates of agro-meteo and biophysical indicators for agricultural monitoring in an open access and user friendly web interface (Warning Explorer)
- Zoom into hotspot areas with high resolution imagery for vegetation anomaly mapping at parcel level (High Resolution Viewer)


ASAP provides information mainly at two levels:
1) monthly identification of agricultural production hotspot countries and summary narratives by JRC experts for agriculture and food security analysts, for example in DG INTPA and EU delegations;
2) ten-daily automatic warnings about low or delayed vegetation performance at province level plus weather and Earth Observation vegetation indicators for JRC and external technical experts.


The hotspot identification focusses on 80 countries:
- with EU intervention in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture;
- or which are monitored by the GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning.


The automatic warnings at provincial level are published on the Warning Explorer every ten days two or three days after the end of each ten-daily period (e.g. 2nd-3rd, 12th-13th, 22nd-23rd of each month).
The hotspot assessment is published at the end of each month (e.g. after 27th) with information related to the previous 30 days.


The ASAP system is developed and maintained by the ASAP Team at the Food Security unit of JRC (European Commission).


Felix Rembold

Tropical agronomist, PhD. Long project management and research experience in remote sensing for agricultural monitoring and food security. ASAP project leader and responsible for analysis in North, East and West Africa and for the monthly global overview.

Hervé Kerdiles

Agricultural engineer, PhD. Crop monitoring expert with background in GIS and remote sensing. In charge of the analysis of crops and rangelands conditions in the Middle East, Central, South and South East Asia.

Michele Meroni

Remote sensing scientist, PhD. Expert in environmental monitoring with Earth Observation data. He works for the development of ASAP algorithms based on weather and vegetation indicators.

Ferdinando Urbano

Environmental engineer, PhD. External consultant. Expert in spatial data management and analysis. He coordinates the technical development of the ASAP platform and takes care of the ASAP database.

Luis Miguel Agudo

Geologist, MSc. External consultant. Expert in GIS technologies. He is the developer behind the web-based spatial and non spatial tools of the ASAP software platform.

Maria Dimou

Surveying engineer, MSc. External consultant. Expert in geoinformatics and agricultural monitoring data. She supports agricultural analysis for Southern Africa countries and various operational activities.

Augusta Bande

UI/UX designer. External consultant. Expert in web design, graphics, user experience/user interaction design and data visualization. She is the front-end developer of the ASAP web application.

Petar Vojnović

Geodesy and Geoinformatics, MEng. External Consultant with many years of experience in GIS and IT as Sysadmin, Developer and Solution Architect. He has various GIS projects under his belt with huge thematic diversity. In charge of turning science into automated processes by managing the ASAP processing background.

Jon Garrido

Environmental Science MSc. More than 20 years playing with GIS technologies. Jon has wide experience in European institutions: ECDC, EEA, EUROSTAT and JRC. Now he is happy to assist ASAP team in geoprocessing matters.

Francesco Collivignarelli

Remote sensing engineer, MSc. Long experience in Earth Observation data processing, algorithms development and GIS. He contributes to the high resolution viewer development, to the baseline data maintenance and supports the agricultural analysts.

José Manuel Veiga

Agricultural Engineer with over 15 years of experience in food security analysis with NGO’s, UN and the EU. Responsible for the monthly ASAP assessments of LAC countries and interested developing the use of ASAP as an input for food security analysis processes such as the Integrated food security Phase Classification (IPC).