Planting of coarse grains crops (maize, millet and sorghum) was completed in June, while planting operations of rice, the most important crop produced in the country, are about to conclude. Rainfall in the last month has been average to above-average across most parts of the country. However, crop conditions are below-average in the eastern region of Kankan, the southern region of Nzerekore, and the western region of Kindia, as ca. 30%-45% of active crop area is affected by a greenness anomaly. Similarly, rangeland conditions are below-average in the eastern region of Kankan, and the western region of Boke, as ca. 25%-30% of active rangeland area is affected by a greenness anomaly. The poor crop and rangeland conditions might be attributed to early season rainfall deficits and irregular rainfall distribution. The
Copernicus C3S Multimodel seasonal rainfall forecast for September 2024 points to wetter than average conditions across the country.